Annually Neighborhoods, USA (NUSA), a national non-profit organization committed to building and strengthening neighborhood organizations, recognizes a neighborhood advocate and volunteer whose work mirrors the mission of NUSA with the “Who’s Who in America’s Neighborhoods” award. This award, first presented in 2010, was created to recognize those individuals whose work mirrors the mission of Neighborhoods, USA: to build and strengthen neighborhood associations; to encourage neighborhood involvement in the decision-making process in local governments; and to promote productive communications and collaborations between neighborhood associations, local governments and the public/private sectors.

The 2011 “Who’s Who in America’s Neighborhoods” award recipient is Larry J. Spicer of Monrovia, California.

Mr. Spicer served his country as a decorated soldier in the United States Army. After retiring, he immediately embarked on his civilian career in community service. A dedicated volunteer, Mr. Spicer has left his mark on many programs and events planned by the City of Monrovia and fellow neighborhood leaders. Working with residents and City staff, he led the change for increased community involvement to turn the tide against gang violence and racial intolerance.

Mr. Spicer is a graduate and advocate of the City of Monrovia’s Leadership and Development Academy and also has served as an officer and board member for several organizations:

  • Watch Dog Dad for the Monrovia Elementary Schools
  • Peace on Patrol parent for Monrovia High and Clifton Middle Schools
  • Boardmember of the Community Mediation Team and the American Red Cross
  • 1st City Vice President for the Duarte Hawks football/cheerleading youth programs
  • Board of Trustee for the 2nd Baptist Church of Monrovia
  • Member of the Monrovia Planning Commission