Annually Neighborhoods, USA (NUSA), a national non-profit organization committed to building and strengthening neighborhood organizations, recognizes a neighborhood advocate and volunteer whose work mirrors the mission of NUSA with the “Who’s Who in America’s Neighborhoods” award. This award, first presented in 2010, was created to recognize those individuals whose work mirrors the mission of Neighborhoods, USA: to build and strengthen neighborhood associations; to encourage neighborhood involvement in the decision-making process in local governments; and to promote productive communications and collaborations between neighborhood associations, local governments and the public/private sectors.

The 2012 “Who’s Who in America’s Neighborhoods” award recipients are: Ronald O. Loveridge from Riverside, CA, James Roseboro of Wichita, KS and Tonya Wagner of Citrus Heights, CA.

Ronald O. Loveridge | Riverside, California
Mr. Loveridge has been Mayor of Riverside, California for some 17 years and served on the city council for 15 years before that. He has taken a leadership role in influencing neighborhood policy at City Hall and has spear-headed many neighborhood initiatives over and above the establishment of the Riverside Neighborhood Partnership and Mayor’s Night Out. Since 1979, Mayor Loveridge has emphasized that neighborhoods are the building blocks of a good city and has sought their improvement, primarily through neighborhood engagement.

James Roseboro | Wichita, Kansas
Mr. Roseboro was one of the founding members of Wichita Independent Neighborhood Associations, Inc. (WIN) and has served his own neighborhood association of Northeast Heights for over 12 years. Mr. Roseboro is a firm believer in grassroots organizing and has shown this by personally organizing more than 35 neighborhood, homeowner’s and business associations in the City of Wichita and Sedgwick County. As a proven leader in Wichita, Mr. Roseboro has served on numerous committees, task forces, and boards to better the Wichita community for its residents.

Tonya Wagner | Citrus Heights, California
Ms. Wagner is a founding force of neighborhood leadership, integrity and commitment within the City of Citrus Heights and the Sacramento region. Serving as a founding member of the Northwest Neighborhood Association, Ms. Wagner has also dedicated more than a decade of her time and ability bringing together diverse neighborhood leaders; planting and nourishing the seeds of leadership within the neighborhoods. Exemplifying servant leadership, Ms. Wagner volunteers in numerous community events and activities and is an active member of Gold Star Wives of America, a national military widows’ service organization.