The Board of Directors of Neighborhoods, USA (NUSA) annually recognizes outstanding programs implemented to improve neighborhoods and communities by a governmental, business, non-profit or corporation. Best Neighborhood Program Awards are traditionally awarded in two categories – Physical Revitalization and Social Revitalization. The 2017 Best Neighborhood Program Award winners are: 

Physical Revitalization

First Place

City Prosecutor’s Office – Long Beach, Calif.

Project: Community Service Worker Program

Long Beach, California

Neighborhood groups and non-profit organizations get more done in less time with help from the Community Service Worker Program, implemented by the City of Long Beach City Prosecutor’s Office. What started out as a court diversion has grown into an innovative program that beautifies and restores public areas, while empowering individuals and saving tax dollars.

Second Place

Monrovia Area Partnership

Project: Care for Your Neighbor

Monrovia, California

The MAP Care for Your Neighbor Program pairs neighborhood leaders and volunteers with elderly and disabled homeowners to help beautify their homes with a low-maintenance, eco-friendly landscape. This program provides a free, drought-tolerant landscape, which address concerns of blight and deterioration caused by unmaintained landscapes

Third Place

City of Palm Springs, Calif.

Project: Clinton Day of Action Orchard Planning and Beautification

Palm Springs, California

This project was a community gathering that included a beautification project, service day and community lunch. More than 120 volunteers came together and heard from Chelsea Clinton and the Mayor of Pam Springs with city staff. More than 20 fruit trees were planted, a dozen benches painted and equipment repaired. The project also serves as an excellent example of crime prevention through environmental designs.


Downtown Long Beach Associates – Long Beach, Calif.

Project: Place-Making Grant Program

Long Beach, California

The Downtown Long Beach Associates’ Place-Making Grant Program seeks to empower neighborhood members to make meaningful changes to the physical landscape of our community. To date, more than 15 community-led projects have been completed as a result of the grant program.

Social Revitalization

First Place

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Project: Show Up, Step Up, Stand Out: Inter-Generational Youth Leadership

City of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

The City of Fort Lauderdale created its 4-month program to empower high school students to learn and practice leadership skills early on, and to encourage greater personal, civic, and professional success. With expanded civic awareness and the implementation of a service project, students learned to be adaptable, accountable and action-oriented.

Second Place

Monrovia Area Partnership

Project: Youth Leadership Academy

Monrovia, California

The Monrovia Area Partnership Leadership Academy was formed for youth, ages 13-18, to participate in a modified version of the City’s Adult Leadership Academy, that reaches out and educates Monrovia’s youth on how to get involved in their community, and become a positive impact to the city.

Third Place

Syracuse Housing Authority

Project: Healthy Neighbors Partnership

Syracuse, New York

The Healthy Neighborhoods Partnership is a joint project that features participation from the Syracuse Housing Authority, the Pioneer Homes Tenant Association and Upstate Medical University. This resident-driven initiative seeks to address health disparities and foster healthy living and quality of life goals that residents identify for themselves.


City of St. Petersburg, Fla.

Project: Mayor’s Neighborhood Mini-Grant Program

St. Petersburg, Florida

In St. Petersburg, Fla., the Mayor’s Neighborhood Mini-Grant Program focuses on the social and community building aspects of development. The program allows neighborhoods and community groups to apply for a maximum award of $500 to encourage and support resident initiatives to help build community through creative and innovative approaches to civic engagement.


Wichita Independent Neighborhoods, Inc.

Project: City 101 Course

Wichita, Kansas

The City 101 course in Wichita, Kan. is directed to community engagement and implemented as a pilot project with private funds via a grant to a private family foundation. The course was unveiled with the goal of informing and influencing neighborhoods and homeowners’ associations. The course was composed of five main topics, with each topic presented twice.