What's Good in the Neighborhood
Neighborhoods USA Blog
Neighborhood Storytime: Neighborhoods With Integrity (NWI) Team
This issue's Neighborhood Storytime comes from our friend Michele Smith in Coral Springs, Florida! Hello, I’m the Neighborhood Coordination Assistant here in the City of Coral Springs. The City of Coral Springs, Florida is 24 square miles nestled in the north-west...

Board Member Highlight: Reba Taylor-Hill
Reba Taylor-HillIndianapolis, Indiana How many years have you been involved with NUSA? Since 2008. On the board since 2018 What motivates you to serve on the NUSA Board? I love what NUSA stands for and being a part of the board helps to promote...

2023 NUSA Awards
Neighborhood of the Year - 2023 Physical Revitalization/Beautification Winners 1st Place - Woodlawn Neighborhood Association (Birmingham, AL)Woodlawn is very proud and values a clean and safe environment in which our residents can live, work and play. Like many...
NUSA News – Winter 2022
NUSA News – Winter 2020

2019 Neighborhood of the Year
Neighborhoods, USA (NUSA) named the AOC7 Literacy Fair in Long
Beach, California the 2019 Grand Prize winner of the Neighborhood of the
Year (NOTY) Award at its luncheon held Friday, May 17 at the 44th annual
NUSA conference in Palm Springs, California.
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Does your neighborhood have good news to share? Want to share a program you’ve recently implemented? Or perhaps you have some practices you’d like to share when it comes to anything and everything neighborhood-related? Consider submitting an article to What’s Good in the Neighborhood blog.
Please fill out the contact form below with your article and/or pitch and we’ll get back to you in 24-48 hours.
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