This issue’s Neighborhood Storytime comes from our friend Michele Smith in Coral Springs, Florida!
I’m the Neighborhood Coordination Assistant here in the City of Coral Springs. The City of Coral Springs, Florida is 24 square miles nestled in the north-west corner of Broward County. Coral Springs is known for its family atmosphere, thriving businesses, advanced recreational facilities, and top-rated schools. The Neighborhoods with Integrity Program is the embodiment of the city’s mission to be the premier community in which to live, work and raise a family. This city-wide effort builds relationships within our neighborhoods and addresses community needs in a proactive and positive manner. Here’s stories of our latest projects.
The Neighborhoods with Integrity (NWI) team enjoyed meeting and working with residents over the past few months. NWI participated in the Broward County Waterway Cleanup, collecting 40 years of trash along with volunteers.
The Oaks Community partnered with the NWI team to replace two entry-way neighborhood signs and landscaping. By working together, the residents of the community raised $4,000 for repairs and additional landscaping.
From great BBQ to potluck meals, the residents of West Glen celebrated their community with the NWI team.
Visit for more information.
-Michele Smith, Neighborhood Coord. Assistant Coral Springs, Florida

Awesome contribution. Its stories like these that keeps healthy and positive neighbors together.
Good stuff The City of Coral Springs, Florida